Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe

If you’re looking for a flavorful and healthy meal that’s quick and easy to make, look no further than the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe. This dish combines the bold flavors of chili and lime with succulent shrimp and tender noodles to create a meal that’s both satisfying and nutritious.

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

To make this dish, start by cooking your noodles according to the package instructions. While the noodles are cooking, prepare your shrimp by seasoning them with chili powder, cooking them in oil, and adding a touch of honey and soy sauce for sweetness. Once the shrimp are cooked, simply toss them with the cooked noodles and a zesty sauce made from lime juice, garlic, and ginger.

This recipe is versatile and can be customized to suit your tastes. Add in your favorite veggies, such as bell peppers or snap peas, for an extra burst of flavor and nutrition. You can also adjust the spice level to your liking by adding more or less chili powder. Give this recipe a try for a delicious and satisfying meal that’s sure to become a new favorite.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

When it comes to making a delicious Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, choosing the right ingredients is key. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting your ingredients.

Selecting Quality Shrimp

The shrimp is the star ingredient of the dish, so it’s important to choose high-quality shrimp. Look for fresh, wild-caught shrimp that has been sustainably sourced. Check the label for any added preservatives or chemicals. You want your shrimp to be plump, firm, and have a slightly sweet smell. Avoid shrimp that has a fishy or ammonia-like odor.

Best Noodles for the Bowl

The noodles you choose for your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl can make a big difference in the overall flavor and texture of the dish. Rice noodles are a popular choice and work well with the spicy and tangy flavors of the dish. You can also try using soba noodles, which are made from buckwheat flour and have a slightly nutty flavor. If you’re looking for a low-carb option, try using zucchini noodles instead.

Fresh vs. Bottled Lime Juice

Fresh lime juice is always the best option for this dish, as it provides a bright, tangy flavor that complements the spicy shrimp and noodles. However, if you don’t have fresh limes on hand, bottled lime juice can be a good substitute. Just be sure to choose a high-quality brand that doesn’t contain any added sugars or preservatives. Keep in mind that bottled lime juice can have a slightly different flavor than fresh lime juice, so you may need to adjust the amount you use to achieve the desired taste.

Overall, choosing the right ingredients is essential for creating a delicious Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. By selecting high-quality shrimp, the best noodles, and fresh lime juice, you can ensure that your dish is packed with flavor and nutrition.

Preparation Techniques

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

When making a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, there are a few key preparation techniques to keep in mind. In this section, we’ll cover how to clean and prep shrimp, as well as different noodle preparation methods.

Cleaning and Prepping Shrimp

Before cooking shrimp, it’s important to clean and prep them properly. Start by removing the shells and deveining the shrimp. To devein, use a sharp knife to make a shallow cut along the back of the shrimp and remove the dark vein. Rinse the shrimp under cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.

To add flavor to the shrimp, you can marinate them in a mixture of chili powder, lime juice, and garlic. Simply place the shrimp in a bowl and pour the marinade over them. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

Noodle Preparation Methods

When it comes to noodle preparation, there are a few different methods you can use depending on the type of noodle you’re using. For rice noodles, simply soak them in hot water until they’re soft and pliable. Drain and rinse with cold water before adding them to the bowl.

If you’re using egg noodles, they can be boiled in a pot of salted water until they’re tender. Drain and rinse with cold water before adding them to the bowl.

For soba noodles, bring a pot of water to a boil and add the noodles. Cook for 4-5 minutes or until tender. Drain and rinse with cold water before adding them to the bowl.

No matter what type of noodle you’re using, be sure to cook them according to the package instructions and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process. This will help prevent the noodles from becoming mushy or overcooked.

By following these simple preparation techniques, you’ll be able to create a delicious and flavorful Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl that’s sure to impress.

Flavor Profile

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe

When it comes to the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, the flavor profile is all about balancing spiciness and citrus with the right herbs and seasonings. Here are some key elements that make this dish so delicious:

Balancing Spiciness and Citrus

The spiciness of the chili and the tanginess of the lime juice are the two main flavors that give this dish its unique taste. The chili adds a subtle heat that is not too overpowering, while the lime juice provides a refreshing citrus flavor that balances out the spiciness. The combination of these two flavors creates a perfect harmony that is both satisfying and refreshing.

Herbs and Seasonings

To enhance the flavor of the dish, various herbs and seasonings are used. Cilantro is a popular herb that is often added to the dish, providing a fresh and zesty taste. Garlic and ginger are also commonly used to add depth and complexity to the flavor profile. Finally, salt and pepper are added to taste, bringing out the natural flavors of the ingredients.

Overall, the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl offers a complex and delicious flavor profile that is both spicy and refreshing. The balance of spiciness and citrus, along with the use of various herbs and seasonings, makes this dish a must-try for anyone looking for a flavorful and satisfying meal.

Cooking the Shrimp

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

Cooking the shrimp for your chili lime shrimp noodle bowl is a crucial step in achieving the perfect flavor and texture. Here are some tips to help you cook your shrimp to perfection:

Preparing the Shrimp

Before cooking, you’ll need to prepare the shrimp. If you purchased raw shrimp, make sure to peel and devein them first. If you purchased pre-cooked shrimp, you can skip this step.

Pan-Frying the Shrimp

To cook the shrimp, you’ll need a non-stick skillet. Heat the skillet over medium heat and add some oil. Once the oil is hot, add the shrimp in a single layer. It’s important that the shrimp is in a single layer for that crisp crust. Cook the shrimp for 2-3 minutes per side or until they turn pink and are no longer translucent.

Grilling the Shrimp

If you prefer a smoky flavor, you can grill the shrimp instead of pan-frying them. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Brush the shrimp with oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the shrimp for 2-3 minutes per side or until they turn pink and are no longer translucent.

Adding the Chili Lime Sauce

Once the shrimp are cooked, it’s time to add the chili lime sauce. You can either add the sauce directly to the pan or toss the shrimp in a bowl with the sauce. Make sure to coat the shrimp evenly with the sauce.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the shrimp on top of the noodles and vegetables. Garnish with some chopped cilantro and lime wedges. You can also add some chopped peanuts or sesame seeds for some extra crunch.

By following these simple steps, you can cook the perfect chili lime shrimp for your noodle bowl.

Assembling the Bowl

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

Now that you have prepared all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to assemble the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. Follow these simple steps to create a delicious and visually appealing meal:

  1. Start with a base of cooked rice noodles. You can use any type of noodles you prefer, but rice noodles work best for this dish. Place them at the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Add the cooked shrimp on top of the noodles. Make sure they are evenly distributed throughout the bowl.
  3. Next, add in your vegetables. You can use any vegetables you like, but we recommend sliced cucumbers, shredded carrots, and chopped cilantro. These will add crunch and freshness to the dish.
  4. Drizzle the chili lime sauce over the top of the bowl. You can adjust the amount of sauce to your liking, but be careful not to add too much as it can overpower the other flavors.
  5. Finally, garnish the bowl with some chopped peanuts and lime wedges. This will add texture and acidity to the dish.
  6. Serve the bowl immediately while it’s still warm. You can also store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Assembling the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl is easy and customizable. You can add or remove any ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Just make sure to balance the flavors and textures to create a well-rounded dish. Enjoy!

Sauce and Dressing Options

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

Chili Lime Sauce

The Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl is already packed with flavor, but adding a sauce can take it to the next level. The classic sauce for this dish is the chili lime sauce. It’s a tangy and spicy sauce that complements the shrimp and noodles perfectly. The sauce is easy to make and requires only a few ingredients. Here’s a quick recipe for the chili lime sauce:

Ingredient Amount
Lime Juice 1/4 cup
Soy Sauce 2 tbsp
Honey 1 tbsp
Chili Garlic Sauce 1 tsp
Garlic Powder 1 tsp
Cornstarch 1 tsp
Water 1/4 cup
  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the lime juice, soy sauce, honey, chili garlic sauce, and garlic powder.
  2. In another bowl, mix the cornstarch and water until the cornstarch is dissolved.
  3. Add the cornstarch mixture to the sauce and whisk until combined.
  4. Heat the sauce in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens.

Alternative Dressings

If you’re not a fan of the chili lime sauce, there are plenty of other dressings you can try. Here are a few ideas:

  • Peanut Sauce: A creamy and nutty sauce that pairs well with the shrimp and noodles. You can make it by whisking together peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, lime juice, and water.
  • Soy Ginger Dressing: A light and refreshing dressing that’s perfect for summer. You can make it by whisking together soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, ginger, and garlic.
  • Spicy Mayo: A simple yet delicious dressing that adds a little kick to the dish. You can make it by mixing together mayonnaise, sriracha, and lime juice.

No matter which dressing you choose, make sure to taste it before pouring it over the noodles. Adjust the seasoning as needed to suit your taste.

Garnishing for Presentation

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

When it comes to serving your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, presentation is key. A well-garnished dish can make all the difference in how appetizing it looks and how much you enjoy it. Here are some ideas for garnishing your noodle bowl:

  • Fresh herbs: Adding some fresh herbs such as cilantro, parsley, or basil can add a pop of color and flavor to your dish. Simply chop them up and sprinkle them on top of your noodle bowl before serving.
  • Sliced chili peppers: If you like your food spicy, consider adding some sliced chili peppers on top of your noodle bowl. This will not only add some heat but also some color to your dish.
  • Lime wedges: Since lime juice is a key ingredient in the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, serving it with some lime wedges on the side can be a great addition. This will allow your guests to add more lime juice to their liking.
  • Sesame seeds: Toasted sesame seeds can add some crunch and nuttiness to your noodle bowl. Simply sprinkle them on top before serving.
  • Scallions: Sliced scallions can add some freshness and a mild onion flavor to your dish. Simply chop them up and sprinkle them on top of your noodle bowl before serving.

Remember, the key to garnishing is to keep it simple and not overpower the flavors of the dish. Choose garnishes that complement the flavors of the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl and add some visual appeal to the dish.

Pairing with Sides

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

When it comes to pairing sides with Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, you want to choose dishes that complement the bold and zesty flavors of the dish. Here are some side dishes that will pair well with this noodle bowl:

1. Roasted Vegetables

Roasted vegetables are a great side dish to pair with Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. The sweetness of the roasted vegetables will balance the spiciness of the shrimp. You can roast any vegetable of your choice, such as broccoli, carrots, zucchini, or bell peppers. Drizzle some olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

2. Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilled corn on the cob is a classic summer side dish that pairs perfectly with Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. The sweetness of the corn complements the tangy and spicy flavors of the shrimp. Brush the corn with some melted butter and sprinkle with chili powder and lime juice. Grill for 10-15 minutes until charred and tender.

3. Cucumber Salad

Cucumber salad is a refreshing and light side dish that pairs well with the bold flavors of the noodle bowl. Thinly slice some cucumbers and red onions. Mix with some chopped cilantro, lime juice, and a pinch of salt. Let it marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

4. Avocado and Tomato Salad

An avocado and tomato salad is a simple and delicious side dish that complements the flavors of the noodle bowl. Dice some ripe avocados and tomatoes. Mix with some chopped red onions, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. Serve chilled.

These side dishes are easy to prepare and will elevate the flavors of your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. Choose one or two sides to serve alongside the noodle bowl for a complete and satisfying meal.

Dietary Modifications

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, you can easily modify the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl recipe to suit your needs. Here are a few suggestions:

Gluten-Free Alternatives

If you’re gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, you can substitute the regular noodles with gluten-free noodles. There are many types of gluten-free noodles available in the market, such as rice noodles, quinoa noodles, or buckwheat noodles. Make sure to check the label and choose a brand that is certified gluten-free.

Making It Vegan

If you’re a vegan, you can substitute the shrimp with tofu or tempeh. Both tofu and tempeh are high in protein and have a similar texture to shrimp. You can marinate the tofu or tempeh in the same chili lime marinade and cook them in a pan until crispy. You can also add more veggies to the bowl, such as roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli, or bell peppers, to make it more filling.

Another option is to use vegan shrimp. Some brands offer vegan shrimp made from plant-based ingredients, such as konjac powder, potato starch, or soy protein. These vegan shrimps have a similar texture and taste to real shrimp and are a great alternative for those who miss the taste of seafood.

Remember, modifying the recipe to suit your dietary needs doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or taste. With a few simple swaps, you can still enjoy a delicious and healthy Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl that fits your lifestyle.

Storing Leftovers

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

If you have any leftovers from your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. It’s important to let the dish cool down to room temperature before storing it in the fridge.

When reheating the leftovers, you can either microwave them or reheat them on the stovetop. If you’re microwaving, cover the container with a damp paper towel to prevent the noodles from drying out. If you’re reheating on the stovetop, add a splash of water or broth to loosen up the noodles and prevent them from sticking together.

It’s important to note that the texture of the noodles may change slightly after being refrigerated and reheated. They may become slightly softer or mushier, but the overall flavor of the dish should still be delicious.

To ensure the safety of your leftovers, make sure to reheat them to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C). If you’re unsure about the safety of the leftovers, it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard them.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when storing leftovers:

  • Store in an airtight container
  • Let the dish cool down to room temperature before storing
  • Reheat to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C)
  • Discard any leftovers that have been left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl for a few more days without compromising on taste or safety.

Serving Suggestions

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

Now that you have made your delicious Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, you might be wondering what to serve it with or how to garnish it. Here are some serving suggestions that will complement the flavors of your dish and make it even more enjoyable.

Side dishes

To add some variety to your meal, you can serve your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl with a side dish. Here are some options:

  • Steamed vegetables: Broccoli, carrots, and snow peas are great options that will add some color and nutrition to your meal.
  • Rice: If you want to make your meal more filling, you can serve your noodle bowl with a side of rice. Jasmine rice or brown rice would be a great choice.
  • Salad: A light and refreshing salad will balance out the spicy flavors of your dish. You can make a simple salad with lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes, or get creative and add some fruit or nuts.


Garnishes are a great way to add some extra flavor and texture to your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl. Here are some ideas:

  • Cilantro: Fresh cilantro will add a bright and herbaceous flavor to your dish.
  • Lime wedges: A squeeze of fresh lime juice will enhance the citrusy flavors of your dish.
  • Sesame seeds: Toasted sesame seeds will add a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to your dish.
  • Chopped peanuts: If you want to add some extra protein and crunch, you can sprinkle some chopped peanuts on top of your noodle bowl.

With these serving suggestions, you can customize your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl to your liking and make it a complete meal that is both delicious and satisfying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

How can I make a healthy version of a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

If you’re looking to make a healthier version of a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl, there are a few things you can do. First, you can use whole-grain noodles instead of regular noodles. You can also use less oil when cooking the shrimp and vegetables. Additionally, you can add more vegetables to your bowl, such as bell peppers, carrots, and broccoli. Finally, you can use a homemade chili lime sauce instead of a store-bought one to control the amount of sugar and sodium in your dish.

What are the essential ingredients for a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

The essential ingredients for a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl are shrimp, noodles, vegetables (such as bell peppers, onions, and carrots), and a chili lime sauce. Other optional ingredients include garlic, ginger, cilantro, and peanuts.

Can you provide a step-by-step recipe for a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

Sure, here’s a simple recipe for a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl:

  1. Cook noodles according to package instructions.
  2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
  3. Add shrimp and cook until pink and opaque, about 2-3 minutes per side.
  4. Add vegetables to the skillet and cook until tender, about 5-7 minutes.
  5. In a small bowl, whisk together chili lime sauce ingredients (such as lime juice, honey, chili powder, and soy sauce).
  6. Combine cooked noodles, shrimp, and vegetables in a large bowl.
  7. Drizzle chili lime sauce over the top of the bowl and toss to combine.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

What are some good side dishes to serve with a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

Some good side dishes to serve with a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe include steamed or stir-fried vegetables (such as broccoli or bok choy), a side salad, or some crusty bread.

How can I enhance the flavor of my Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

To enhance the flavor of your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe, you can add more spices to your chili lime sauce, such as cumin or paprika. You can also add fresh herbs, such as cilantro or basil, to your bowl. Finally, you can add a squeeze of fresh lime juice over the top of your bowl for an extra burst of flavor.

What are some common substitutions for ingredients in a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl?

Some common substitutions for ingredients in a Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe include using chicken or tofu instead of shrimp, using rice noodles instead of wheat noodles, and using a different type of vegetable (such as zucchini or mushrooms) instead of bell peppers. You can also use a different type of sauce, such as a peanut sauce or a teriyaki sauce, instead of chili lime sauce.

External Links

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

If you’re interested in exploring more recipes similar to the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe, here are some external links that you may find helpful:

  • Chili Lime Shrimp Bowls by Budget Bytes: This recipe features a delicious combination of rice, black beans, pineapple salsa, and spicy shrimp in a bowl. The Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is easy to follow and budget-friendly.
  • Chili Lime Shrimp Power Bowls by Healthy Little Peach: This recipe is Whole30, Keto, and Paleo-friendly. The dish is light and refreshing, with a delicious Chili Lime sauce that will leave you wanting more.
  • Chili Lime Shrimp by FeelGoodFoodie: This recipe is simple, flavorful, and perfect for busy weeknights. The marinade is made with a combination of lime juice, honey, garlic, and chili powder, which gives the shrimp a delicious flavor.
  • Easy Chili Lime Shrimp Bowls by Kalefornia Kravings: This recipe features a mango-avocado salsa that perfectly complements the spicy shrimp. Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is easy to make and perfect for a quick lunch or dinner.

These external links provide a variety of options for those who want to explore more recipes similar to the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe. Whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly option or a dish that is Whole30, Keto, or Paleo-friendly, these Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipes have got you covered.

More FAQs

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

If you’re still curious about Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe, here are some more frequently asked questions that might help you out:

How to make shrimp ramen better?

If you’re looking to enhance your shrimp ramen, consider adding some chili-lime shrimp to it! The spicy and tangy flavors of the shrimp will complement the savory taste of the ramen broth. You can also add some fresh herbs like cilantro or basil, or some crunchy vegetables like bean sprouts or bell peppers to give your ramen some texture and color.

Is lime good in ramen?

Yes, lime can add a bright and fresh flavor to ramen. You can squeeze some lime juice into the broth or add some lime zest to your noodles for a citrusy kick. Lime can also help balance out the richness of the broth and make it more refreshing. Just be careful not to add too much lime, as it can overpower the other flavors in the dish.

Can I use other types of noodles for this recipe?

Absolutely! While the recipe calls for rice noodles, you can use any type of noodles you like. Egg noodles, udon noodles, or soba noodles would all work well in this dish. Just be sure to adjust the cooking time and follow the package instructions for your chosen noodles.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the chili-lime shrimp and the sauce ahead of time and store them separately in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to serve, simply cook the noodles and toss everything together. This dish is best served fresh, but you can also enjoy it as leftovers the next day.


In conclusion, the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is a delicious and easy-to-make meal that can be enjoyed any time of year. The combination of spicy chili and tangy lime flavors with succulent shrimp and tender noodles is simply irresistible.

One great thing about Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is its versatility. You can easily customize it to your liking by adding different vegetables or proteins. For example, you could try adding baby bok choy or broccolini to the bowl before adding the sauce. You might also consider watercress or baby corn. The possibilities are endless!

Another great thing about Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is its nutritional value. Shrimp is a great source of lean protein, while the noodles provide a good source of carbohydrates. Plus, the addition of vegetables makes this dish a well-rounded meal.

Overall, the Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe is a tasty and healthy meal that is sure to please. Whether you are looking for a quick weeknight dinner or a meal to impress guests, this dish is a great option. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how delicious it can be?

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe

Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asian
Servings 4 servings
Calories 350 kcal


  • 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 8 oz rice noodles
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1 carrot, julienned
  • 1 zucchini, spiralized
  • 1 cup snap peas, trimmed
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1/4 cup chopped peanuts (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon chili garlic sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil


  • Cook the rice noodles according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  • In a large pan or wok, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
  • Add the shrimp to the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until they turn pink and opaque. Remove the shrimp from the pan and set aside.
  • In the same pan, add more oil if needed and stir-fry the red bell pepper, carrot, zucchini, and snap peas until they are tender-crisp.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, lime juice, honey, chili garlic sauce, and sesame oil to make the sauce.
  • Add the cooked noodles and shrimp back into the pan with the vegetables. Pour the sauce over the mixture and toss everything together until well coated.
  • Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes to heat through and allow the flavors to meld.
  • Remove from heat and sprinkle chopped green onions, cilantro, and peanuts over the top.
  • Serve hot and enjoy your Chili Lime Shrimp Noodle Bowl!


Customize the level of spice by adjusting the amount of chili garlic sauce. You can also add more vegetables or protein of your choice for a heartier meal.

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