Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

If you’re looking for a delicious and easy-to-make sandwich, then you can’t go wrong with a barbecue ham sandwich made in a slow cooker. This classic sandwich is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a family dinner or a party with friends. With the help of a slow cooker, you can have a hot and tasty sandwich ready to serve in no time.

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Making a barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker is incredibly simple. All you need is some sliced or spiral ham, your favorite barbecue sauce, and some buns. You can even add some extra ingredients like onions, peppers, or cheese to give your sandwich some extra flavor. The slow cooker does all the work for you, cooking the ham and sauce together until they’re hot and delicious. Plus, using a slow cooker means you can set it and forget it, freeing up your time to do other things.

One of the best things about making a barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker is the versatility. You can use any type of ham you like, from sliced deli ham to a whole unsliced ham that you slice yourself. You can also experiment with different types of barbecue sauce to find the perfect flavor for your sandwich. And with the slow cooker, you can easily make a large batch of sandwiches to feed a crowd. So whether you’re hosting a party or just want a quick and easy dinner, a barbecue ham sandwich made in a slow cooker is sure to satisfy.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

When it comes to making the perfect barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker, choosing the right ingredients is crucial. Here are some tips to help you select the right ham, bread, and barbecue sauce for your sandwich.

Selecting the Ham

When selecting the ham for your barbecue ham sandwich, it is important to choose a ham that is fully cooked and boneless. You can use either a pre-sliced ham or a whole ham that you slice yourself. If you are looking for a leaner option, you can choose a ham that is labeled “low-sodium” or “lean.” However, keep in mind that a leaner ham may not be as flavorful as a regular ham.

Best Breads for Barbecue Ham Sandwiches

The bread you choose for your barbecue ham sandwich can make a big difference in the overall taste and texture of the sandwich. A soft, slightly sweet bread like Hawaiian rolls or brioche buns can complement the smoky flavor of the barbecue sauce. Alternatively, you can use a crusty bread like ciabatta or French bread for a more substantial sandwich.

Quality Barbecue Sauce Selection

The barbecue sauce is the star of the show when it comes to a barbecue ham sandwich. You want to choose a sauce that is flavorful and complements the ham without overpowering it. There are many different types of barbecue sauce to choose from, including sweet, spicy, and tangy. You can also choose a sauce with a smoky flavor for a more authentic barbecue taste. When selecting a barbecue sauce, look for one that is high quality and made with natural ingredients.

Overall, when making a barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker, it is important to choose high-quality ingredients that complement each other. With the right ham, bread, and barbecue sauce, you can create a delicious and satisfying sandwich that is sure to please.

Preparation Essentials

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Preparing a delicious slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich requires a few essential steps. In this section, we will cover the two key steps you need to take to make a mouth-watering sandwich.

Slicing and Marinating Ham

The first step in preparing a slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich is to slice the ham. You can either purchase pre-sliced ham or slice it yourself. If you are slicing it yourself, it is important to ensure that the slices are thin and even. This will help the ham cook evenly in the slow cooker.

Once you have sliced the ham, it is time to marinate it. You can use your preferred marinade, but we recommend using a simple mixture of Worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar, and brown sugar. This mixture adds a tangy and sweet flavor to the ham that pairs perfectly with barbecue sauce.

Mixing the Barbecue Sauce

The second essential step in preparing a slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich is to mix the barbecue sauce. You can use your preferred barbecue sauce, but we recommend using Sweet Baby Ray’s original barbecue sauce. This sauce has a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess that complements the ham and marinade.

To make the barbecue sauce, mix the Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce with brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce. This will add a depth of flavor to the sauce that will make your sandwich stand out. You can also add a little bit of apple cider vinegar to balance out the sweetness in the sauce.

In conclusion, slicing and marinating the ham and mixing the barbecue sauce are the two essential steps in preparing a slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich. Follow these steps, and you will have a delicious sandwich that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

Slow Cooker Setup

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

If you want to make the best barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker, you need to set up your cooking environment properly. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Choosing the Right Slow Cooker

First, you need to choose the right slow cooker. Look for a model that has a capacity of at least 4 quarts. This will give you enough space to cook the ham and all the other ingredients you need for your sandwich.

You also want to choose a slow cooker with a removable stoneware insert. This makes it easier to clean up after cooking. Some models also have a non-stick coating, which can be helpful when cooking sticky foods like barbecue sauce.

Optimal Cooking Temperatures

Once you have your slow cooker, you need to set it to the right temperature. For barbecue ham sandwiches, you should cook on low heat for 6-8 hours. This will give the ham enough time to cook through and absorb the flavors of the barbecue sauce.

It’s important to avoid opening the slow cooker too often while cooking. Each time you open the lid, you let heat escape, which can slow down the cooking process. To check on the sandwich, use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature of the ham reaches at least 145°F.

By following these tips, you can set up your slow cooker for the perfect barbecue ham sandwich. With a little patience, you’ll have a delicious meal that’s sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Cooking Process

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

To make a delicious barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker, you need to follow a few simple steps. In this section, we will guide you through the cooking process and provide some tips to help you create the perfect sandwich.

Layering Ingredients

The first step is to layer the ingredients in the slow cooker. Start by placing the ham in the bottom of the slow cooker. You can use either sliced or shredded ham, depending on your preference.

Next, add the barbecue sauce and any other seasonings you would like to use. Make sure to spread the sauce evenly over the ham to ensure that every bite is flavorful.

If you want to add any additional ingredients, such as onions or peppers, you can layer them on top of the ham and sauce. Finally, cover the slow cooker and set it to cook on low heat for 4-5 hours.

Monitoring Cooking Time

While the sandwich is cooking, it’s important to monitor the cooking time to ensure that the ham doesn’t dry out or overcook. You can check the sandwich periodically to make sure that it’s cooking evenly and that there is enough liquid in the slow cooker.

If you notice that the sandwich is cooking too quickly or that the liquid is evaporating too quickly, you can add more barbecue sauce or a small amount of water to the slow cooker.

When the sandwich is finished cooking, you can serve it on a bun with your favorite toppings, such as cheese, pickles, or coleslaw. Enjoy your delicious slow-cooked barbecue ham sandwich!

Assembling the Sandwich


Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Now that your slow cooker barbecue ham is ready, it’s time to assemble your sandwich. Here are some tips to make sure your sandwich is as delicious as possible.

Adding Condiments and Toppings

First, choose your condiments and toppings. Some classic options for a barbecue ham sandwich include coleslaw, pickles, and onions. You can also add cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, or barbecue sauce. Be sure to choose toppings that complement the smoky flavor of the ham.

Next, spread your condiments on your bread. If you’re using mayonnaise or mustard, spread it on both slices of bread. If you’re using barbecue sauce, spread it on the bottom slice of bread.

Final Touches Before Serving

Now it’s time to add the ham to your sandwich. Use a slotted spoon to remove the ham from the slow cooker, allowing any excess liquid to drain off. Place the ham on top of your condiments.

Finally, add any additional toppings you want. If you’re using coleslaw, place it on top of the ham. If you’re using pickles or onions, place them on top of the coleslaw. If you’re using cheese, place it on top of the ham and melt it in the oven or microwave.

You can also toast your sandwich in the oven or on a grill for a few minutes to give it a crispy texture.

With these tips, you can make a delicious slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich that’s sure to impress.

Serving Suggestions


Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Complementary Side Dishes

When serving slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches, it’s always a good idea to have some complementary side dishes to go with them. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Coleslaw: A classic side dish for any barbecue, coleslaw provides a refreshing contrast to the rich and savory flavors of the ham sandwiches. You can make your own coleslaw from scratch, or purchase pre-made coleslaw from the store.
  • Potato Salad: Another classic barbecue side dish, potato salad is a great choice for those who prefer something more substantial. You can make your own potato salad from scratch, or purchase pre-made potato salad from the store.
  • Baked Beans: Baked beans are a perfect complement to barbecue ham sandwiches. They provide a sweet and savory flavor that pairs well with the smoky ham. You can make your own baked beans from scratch, or purchase pre-made baked beans from the store.

Presentation Tips

When it comes to serving slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches, presentation is key. Here are a few tips to help you make your sandwiches look as good as they taste:

  • Toast the buns: Toasting the buns will help keep the saucy sandwiches together and add a nice crunch to the texture of the sandwich.
  • Add cheese: Sharp cheddar cheese is great with barbecued ham. Adding a slice of cheese to the sandwich will add a creamy and tangy flavor to the sandwich.
  • Add pickles: To add some crunch, we love to add pickles to these sandwiches. The tangy and sour flavor of pickles will balance out the sweetness of the barbecue sauce.
  • Serve on a platter: Arrange the sandwiches on a platter to make them look more appetizing. You can also add some garnish such as parsley or sliced onions to make the platter look more colorful.

By following these serving suggestions, you can make your slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches look and taste amazing.

Safety and Storage

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Proper Food Handling

When preparing your slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich, it is important to handle the food properly to avoid contamination and ensure food safety. Always start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling any food. Also, make sure to clean all surfaces and utensils that will come into contact with the food.

When it comes to the ham, make sure it is fresh and has been stored at the proper temperature. If the ham has been sitting at room temperature for more than two hours, it is best to discard it to avoid any risk of bacterial growth. Additionally, be sure to cook the ham to an internal temperature of at least 145°F to kill any harmful bacteria.

Storing Leftovers

If you have any leftover slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich, it is important to store it properly to ensure its safety and maintain its quality. First, let the sandwich cool to room temperature before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Be sure to consume the leftovers within three to four days to avoid any risk of spoilage.

To reheat the leftovers, place the sandwich in the microwave or oven until it reaches an internal temperature of at least 165°F. Avoid leaving the sandwich at room temperature for more than two hours to prevent bacterial growth.

Remember, proper food handling and storage are key to enjoying your slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich safely and deliciously.

Nutritional Information

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Calorie Count

If you’re conscious about your calorie intake, it’s important to know that a barbecue ham sandwich made in a slow cooker can vary in calories depending on the ingredients used. The calorie count for a barbecue ham sandwich can range from 300 to 500 calories per serving. This estimate includes the bun, ham, and barbecue sauce.

To reduce the calorie count, you can opt for a whole wheat bun instead of a white bun. Whole wheat buns are a healthier option as they contain more fiber and nutrients than white buns. You can also use lean ham instead of regular ham as it contains fewer calories and less fat.

Dietary Considerations

If you have dietary restrictions, it’s important to know that a barbecue ham sandwich made in a slow cooker can contain certain allergens and ingredients that may not be suitable for you.

For instance, if you’re allergic to gluten, you should avoid using regular buns and barbecue sauce that contains wheat. Instead, you can use gluten-free buns and barbecue sauce made with gluten-free ingredients.

If you’re following a low-sodium diet, you should be aware that ham contains a high amount of sodium. To reduce the sodium content, you can use low-sodium ham and barbecue sauce.

If you’re following a low-carb diet, you can skip the bun and opt for a lettuce wrap instead. You can also use a sugar-free barbecue sauce to reduce the carb count.

Overall, a barbecue ham sandwich made in a slow cooker can be a delicious and satisfying meal. By being mindful of the ingredients you use, you can make it a healthier option that suits your dietary needs.

Customization Ideas


Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Here are some ideas to customize your barbecue ham sandwich to suit your taste buds and dietary preferences.

Vegetarian Alternatives

If you’re a vegetarian, you can replace the ham with a meatless alternative such as tofu, tempeh, or seitan. You can marinate the meat substitute in barbecue sauce before cooking it in the slow cooker. You can also add vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms to the mix to add flavor and texture.

Spicy Variations

If you like your food spicy, you can add some heat to your Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe by adding chili powder, cayenne pepper, or hot sauce to the barbecue sauce. You can also use pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar to give it an extra kick. If you want to make it even spicier, you can add jalapeños or habaneros to the sandwich.

Other Ideas

  • You can use different types of bread such as ciabatta, sourdough, or brioche to give your sandwich a different texture and flavor.
  • You can add toppings such as coleslaw, pickles, or avocado to give your sandwich a fresh and crunchy element.
  • You can experiment with different types of cheese such as gouda, provolone, or blue cheese to give your sandwich a unique flavor profile.
  • You can use different types of barbecue sauce such as honey mustard, chipotle, or bourbon to give your sandwich a different taste.

By customizing your Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, you can create a unique and delicious meal that suits your taste preferences. With these ideas, you can take your sandwich to the next level and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills.

Cooking Tips and Tricks

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Enhancing Flavors

To make the most flavorful Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, try the following tips:

  • Use a combination of sweet and tangy flavors. You can add honey, brown sugar, or maple syrup to the barbecue sauce to add sweetness. For tanginess, add vinegar or mustard.
  • Use a variety of spices. Add spices like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cumin, or chili powder to the barbecue sauce to add depth of flavor.
  • Add fresh herbs. Add fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, or parsley to the barbecue sauce to add freshness and complexity.

Time-Saving Techniques

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe are great for busy people who don’t have a lot of time to cook. Here are some time-saving techniques to make the most of your slow cooker:

  • Use a liner. Slow cooker liners are a great way to save time on cleanup. They make cleanup a breeze and save you from having to scrub the pot.
  • Prep ahead of time. You can save time by prepping your ingredients the night before. Chop vegetables, measure out spices, and mix your barbecue sauce ahead of time to save time in the morning.
  • Cook on low. Cooking on low heat will take longer, but it will allow the flavors to meld together and create a more flavorful sandwich. If you’re short on time, you can cook on high heat, but the sandwich won’t be as flavorful.

By following these tips and tricks, you can make a delicious Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe.

External Resources

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Recipe Blogs and Websites

If you’re looking for more inspiration for your next barbecue ham sandwich slow cooker recipe, there are plenty of recipe blogs and websites that can help. Some of our favorites include:

  • The Magical Slow Cooker: This recipe blog has a great recipe for Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe that is easy to follow and produces delicious results.
  • Recipes Passed Down: This website has a recipe for a Pittsburgh chipped Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe that is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.
  • Crock-Pot Ladies: If you’re looking for an easy and delicious slow cooker recipe for Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, this website has you covered.
  • The Farmwife Cooks: This recipe blog has a simple and tasty recipe for slow cooker ham barbecue sandwiches that is perfect for busy weeknights.

Cooking Tutorial Videos

If you’re new to cooking with a slow cooker or just want to learn some new tips and tricks, there are plenty of cooking tutorial videos available online. Some of our favorites include:

Whether you’re an experienced cook or just starting out, these recipe blogs, websites, and cooking tutorial videos are sure to provide you with plenty of inspiration for your next barbecue ham sandwich slow cooker recipe. So go ahead and add some external links to your recipe collection today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

What are the steps to make a barbecue ham sandwich in a slow cooker?

Making a Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe is a simple process. First, add thinly sliced deli ham to the slow cooker. Then, mix together ketchup, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, white vinegar, and yellow mustard in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the ham in the slow cooker and stir to coat the ham. Cook on low for 2 to 3 hours until the ham is hot and the sauce has thickened. Serve on buns, bread, rolls, or as a wrap.

Can you recommend a simple ham BBQ recipe for beginners?

If you’re new to making Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, a simple recipe to try is Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe. This recipe calls for thinly sliced deli ham, ketchup, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar, and a few other ingredients. Simply mix the ingredients together, add them to the slow cooker with the ham, and cook on low for a few hours. The result is a delicious and easy-to-make ham barbecue sandwich.

How do I incorporate Heinz chili sauce into a ham barbecue recipe?

Heinz chili sauce is a great addition to a ham barbecue recipe. To incorporate it, simply mix it in with the other ingredients in your recipe. For example, if you’re making Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, you could add a few tablespoons of Heinz chili sauce to the ketchup and brown sugar mixture before pouring it over the ham in the slow cooker.

What’s the difference between chipped ham and chopped ham?

Chipped ham and chopped ham are both thinly sliced ham, but they are sliced differently. Chipped ham is sliced very thin and is often used in sandwiches. Chopped ham is diced into small pieces and is often used in recipes like ham salad or ham and bean soup.

How much ham BBQ should I prepare per guest for a party?

When preparing Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe for a party, a good rule of thumb is to plan for about 1/3 to 1/2 pound of meat per person. This will ensure that everyone has enough to eat and that there are leftovers for those who want them.

Is it possible to use Coke in a slow cooker ham BBQ recipe, and if so, how?

Yes, it is possible to use Coke in a Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe. Simply substitute some of the liquid in your recipe (such as water or vinegar) with Coke. The sweetness of the Coke will add a nice flavor to the ham BBQ. However, be careful not to use too much Coke, as it can make the BBQ too sweet.

External Links


Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

If you want to know more about Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, you can find plenty of resources online. Here are a few external links that you might find helpful:

  • The Magical Slow Cooker has a recipe for slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches that is easy to follow and includes step-by-step instructions and photos. The recipe calls for sliced ham, barbecue sauce, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, and apple cider vinegar, and takes either 2 or 4 hours to cook depending on your preferred temperature setting.
  • Recipes Passed Down also has a recipe for slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches, which they call “chipped ham sandwiches.” This recipe is similarly easy to follow and includes just a few simple ingredients. The author recommends pairing the sandwiches with coleslaw for a complete meal.
  • Crock-Pot Ladies offers a recipe for crockpot barbecue ham sandwiches that takes just 2 hours to cook. This recipe uses sliced ham, barbecue sauce, brown sugar, and Worcestershire sauce, and is served on hamburger buns.
  • The Farmwife Cooks has a recipe for slow cooker ham barbecue sandwiches that includes additional ingredients like white vinegar, yellow mustard, and onion powder. This recipe takes just 4 hours to cook and is served on hamburger buns.
  • Hearth and Vine offers a recipe for chipped ham barbecue sandwiches, a classic Pittsburgh dish that is popular for picnics and group functions. This recipe takes just 30 minutes to prepare and can be kept warm in a slow cooker for hours. The author recommends serving the sandwiches on hamburger buns with a side of potato chips.

These external links provide a wealth of information about Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, including recipes, tips, and serving suggestions. Whether you’re an experienced cook or just starting out, you’re sure to find something useful in these resources.

More FAQs


Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

If you are new to making Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe, you may be wondering about the correct order to create the perfect sandwich. The traditional order for a ham sandwich is bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and condiments. However, you can customize your sandwich to your liking and add or remove any ingredients.

When it comes to slow cooking beef on a BBQ, the best cuts of meat to use are those that have a lot of connective tissue, such as brisket or chuck roast. These cuts of meat benefit from the low and slow cooking method, which breaks down the collagen and results in tender and flavorful meat.

If you are wondering whether you are a ham sandwich, the answer is no. You are a human being, not a sandwich. However, if you are looking for a delicious and easy meal, consider making a slow cooker barbecue ham sandwich. This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends, and it can be customized to your liking with your favorite toppings and condiments.

Overall, making a Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe is an easy and delicious way to enjoy a classic sandwich without the hassle of grilling or baking. With a few simple ingredients and a little bit of time, you can create a mouthwatering meal that will satisfy your hunger and your taste buds.


In conclusion, Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe are a delicious and easy meal to make for any occasion. With just a few simple ingredients and a slow cooker, you can have mouth-watering barbecue ham sandwich meat that tastes just as good as a barbecue restaurant.

One of the best things about slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches is that they are incredibly versatile. You can customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences by adding different spices, sauces, or toppings. For example, you can add some hot sauce or jalapenos for a spicy kick, or some coleslaw or pickles for some added crunch and tanginess.

Additionally, slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches are a great option for meal prep. You can make a large batch of the meat and store it in the fridge or freezer for later use. When you’re ready to eat, simply reheat the meat and assemble your sandwich with your favorite toppings.

Overall, slow cooker barbecue ham sandwiches are a tasty and convenient meal that you can enjoy any time of the day. So why not give this recipe a try and see how easy and delicious it can be?

Barbecue Ham Sandwich Slow Cooker Recipe

Barbecue Ham Sandwich (Slow Cooker)

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 8 servings
Calories 350 kcal


  • 1.5 lbs cooked ham, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper8 hamburger buns


  • In a bowl, mix together barbecue sauce, brown sugar, Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper.
  • Place sliced ham in the slow cooker and pour the barbecue sauce mixture over it.
  • Stir to coat the ham evenly with the sauce.
  • Cook on low for 4-6 hours, or until the ham is heated through and the flavors are well combined.
  • Toast the hamburger buns and spoon the barbecue ham onto the buns.
  • Serve hot and enjoy your delicious barbecue ham sandwiches!


Customize the sandwich by adding your favorite toppings such as coleslaw, pickles, or cheese. Adjust the barbecue sauce and sugar quantities to suit your taste preferences.

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