Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

A Delicious Twist on a Classic Dish

If you’re looking for a delicious and easy-to-make salad that’s perfect for any occasion, you might want to try an old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad. This salad is a classic that has been around for decades, and it’s still as popular today as it was when it was first introduced.

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

To make this salad, you’ll need a few basic ingredients, including ramen noodles, cabbage, carrots, and a few other vegetables. You’ll also need a simple dressing made from oil, vinegar, sugar, and the seasoning packet that comes with the ramen noodles. The result is a sweet and tangy salad that’s perfect as a side dish or even as a main course.

Overall, an old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad is a great option for anyone who wants a quick and easy salad that’s both delicious and healthy. Whether you’re hosting a party, bringing a dish to a potluck, or just looking for a tasty lunch or dinner option, this salad is sure to be a hit. So why not give it a try today and see for yourself how delicious it can be?

History and Origin of Ramen Noodle Salad

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Ramen Noodle Salad is a popular dish that has its roots in Japanese cuisine. It is believed that the dish originated in the 20th century when Japanese immigrants brought their culinary traditions to the United States. The dish has evolved over time and has become a staple at many potlucks and barbecues.

Cultural Significance

In Japan, ramen noodles are a cultural icon and are considered a comfort food. The noodles are often served in a hot broth with various toppings such as pork, vegetables, and eggs. However, in the United States, ramen noodles are often used in salads and other cold dishes.

Ramen Noodle Salad has become a popular dish in the United States due to its versatility and ease of preparation. The dish can be customized to suit personal tastes, and it is often served as a side dish at barbecues and other outdoor events.

Evolution Over Time

The original recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad is simple and consists of ramen noodles, cabbage, and a dressing made from oil, vinegar, and sugar. However, over time, the dish has evolved, and many variations have emerged.

Today, Ramen Noodle Salad can include a variety of ingredients, such as carrots, bell peppers, and edamame. Some recipes call for the addition of chicken or shrimp to make the dish more substantial. The dressing can also be customized by adding soy sauce, ginger, or sesame oil.

In conclusion, Ramen Noodle Salad is a dish that has its roots in Japanese cuisine but has evolved over time to become a popular dish in the United States. The dish’s versatility and ease of preparation have made it a staple at many potlucks and barbecues.

Selecting Quality Ingredients

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

When it comes to making a delicious old-fashioned ramen noodle salad, selecting quality ingredients is key. Here are some tips to help you choose the best ingredients for your salad:

Best Noodles for Salad

The type of noodles you use can make a big difference in the overall taste and texture of your salad. For the best results, choose thin, curly noodles, such as ramen or soba noodles. These noodles are perfect for absorbing the dressing and adding a satisfying crunch to your salad. Look for noodles that are made from high-quality ingredients, such as wheat flour and water, and avoid those that contain additives or preservatives.

Freshness of Vegetables

Freshness is crucial when it comes to the vegetables you use in your ramen noodle salad. Choose vegetables that are crisp and vibrant in color, such as shredded cabbage, carrots, and bell peppers. When purchasing vegetables, look for those that are in season and locally sourced for the best flavor and nutritional value. If you’re using pre-packaged vegetables, make sure to check the expiration date and choose those that are as fresh as possible.

Choosing Proteins

Adding protein to your ramen noodle salad is a great way to make it more filling and satisfying. Some popular protein options for this salad include grilled chicken, shrimp, or tofu. When selecting your protein, make sure to choose high-quality, fresh ingredients. If you’re using meat, look for cuts that are lean and free from hormones and antibiotics. For tofu, choose firm or extra-firm varieties that will hold up well in the salad.

By following these tips and selecting quality ingredients, you can create a delicious old-fashioned ramen noodle salad that is sure to impress your guests.

Preparing the Noodles

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Ramen noodles are the star ingredient of the old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad. Preparing the noodles correctly is essential to ensure that they have the right texture and flavor. In this section, we will explore the different techniques for cooking and preparing the noodles.

Cooking Techniques

There are two main ways to cook ramen noodles: boiling and stir-frying. Boiling is the most common technique and involves cooking the noodles in boiling water for a few minutes until they are tender. Stir-frying, on the other hand, involves cooking the noodles in a wok or frying pan with oil and other ingredients.

Boiling is the preferred method for making ramen noodle salad. To cook the noodles, bring a pot of water to a boil and add the noodles. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until the noodles are tender but still slightly firm. Be careful not to overcook the noodles as they can become mushy. Drain the noodles and rinse them under cold water to stop the cooking process.

Rinsing and Cooling

So Rinsing and cooling the noodles is an important step in preparing ramen noodle salad. Rinsing the noodles under cold water removes excess starch and helps to prevent them from sticking together. Cooling the noodles also stops the cooking process and ensures that they are at the right temperature for the salad.

To rinse and cool the noodles, drain them in a colander and rinse them under cold running water for a few minutes. Use your hands to separate the noodles and make sure that they are evenly coated with water. Shake off any excess water and transfer the noodles to a large bowl. Drizzle a little oil over the noodles and toss them to coat. This will help to prevent the noodles from sticking together.

In conclusion, preparing the noodles for the old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad involves boiling the noodles until they are tender, rinsing them under cold water to remove excess starch, and cooling them to stop the cooking process. By following these techniques, you can ensure that your noodles are perfectly cooked and ready to be used in the salad.

Crafting the Perfect Dressing

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

When it comes to making the perfect Ramen Noodle Salad, the dressing is key. It’s what brings all the flavors together and makes the dish truly memorable. In this section, we’ll explore how to craft the perfect dressing for your Old-Fashioned Ramen Noodle Salad.

Balancing Flavors

The key to a great dressing is balancing the flavors. You want your dressing to be sweet, tangy, and savory all at once. To achieve this balance, start with a base of rice vinegar and soy sauce. These two ingredients will give your dressing a tangy, umami flavor that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of sugar and the nuttiness of sesame oil.

To add some depth to your dressing, consider adding minced garlic or ginger. These ingredients will bring some heat and complexity to the mix. Finally, don’t forget to add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. This will help bring out all the flavors in your dressing and make it truly delicious.

Homemade vs. Store-Bought

When it comes to dressing, you have two options: homemade or store-bought. While homemade dressing can be time-consuming, it allows you to have complete control over the flavors and ingredients. You can adjust the sweetness, tanginess, and spiciness to your liking.

On the other hand, store-bought dressing can be a quick and easy option. It’s convenient and can save you time in the kitchen. However, be sure to read the labels carefully. Some store-bought dressings can be high in sugar and preservatives, which can detract from the overall flavor of your dish.

In conclusion, whether you choose to make your dressing from scratch or opt for a store-bought version, be sure to balance the flavors and adjust to your liking. With the right dressing, your Old-Fashioned Ramen Noodle Salad will be a hit at any potluck or summer cookout.

Combining Ingredients

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

When it comes to making old-fashioned ramen noodle salad, combining the ingredients is key to creating a flavorful and satisfying dish. Here are some tips for combining the ingredients to achieve the perfect texture and flavor.

Layering for Texture

One way to create a satisfying texture in your ramen noodle salad is to layer the ingredients. Start with a base of coleslaw mix and shredded cabbage, then add in sliced green onions, shredded carrots, and chopped red pepper. Next, sprinkle on the crumbled ramen noodles, sesame seeds, and sliced almonds. Finally, drizzle on the dressing and toss everything together.

Layering the ingredients in this way helps to distribute the flavors and textures evenly throughout the salad. The coleslaw mix and cabbage provide a crunchy base, while the green onions and red pepper add a pop of color and flavor. The ramen noodles, sesame seeds, and almonds add a satisfying crunch, and the dressing ties everything together with a sweet and tangy flavor.

Mixing Without Sogging

One common problem with ramen noodle salad is that the noodles can become soggy if they are mixed with the dressing too far in advance. To avoid this, it’s best to mix the dressing separately and toss it with the salad just before serving.

To make the dressing, mix together oil, vinegar, sugar, and the seasoning packet from the ramen noodles. You can also add minced garlic, ginger, and sesame oil for extra flavor. Store the dressing in a separate container until you’re ready to serve the salad.

When you’re ready to serve the salad, toss the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, then drizzle on the dressing and toss everything together until the ingredients are evenly coated. This will help to avoid any sogginess and ensure that the salad stays fresh and crunchy.

By following these tips for combining the ingredients, you can create a delicious and satisfying old-fashioned ramen noodle salad that is sure to be a hit at any potluck or summer cookout.

Garnishing for Presentation

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

When it comes to serving the old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad, the presentation is just as important as the taste. Garnishing your salad can elevate its appearance and make it more visually appealing. Here are a few tips for garnishing your salad for presentation.

Edible Toppings

Adding edible toppings to your ramen noodle salad is a great way to add texture and flavor. Here are some popular toppings you can use:

  • Crushed Ramen Noodles: Reserve some of the crushed ramen noodles from the recipe and sprinkle them on top of the salad just before serving. This will add a nice crunch to your salad.
  • Sesame Seeds: Toasted sesame seeds are a great addition to this salad. Sprinkle them on top to add a nutty flavor and a bit of crunch.
  • Chopped Nuts: Chopped nuts like almonds, cashews, or peanuts can add a nice crunch to your salad. Toast them beforehand to enhance their flavor.
  • Fresh Herbs: Adding fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, or basil can give your salad a pop of color and freshness.

Color Contrast

Another way to make your ramen noodle salad more visually appealing is to play with color contrast. Here are some ideas:

  • Red Bell Peppers: Adding diced red bell peppers will add a pop of color to your salad and complement the green onions and cabbage.
  • Carrots: Shredded carrots will add a bright orange color to your salad and pair well with the other vegetables.
  • Purple Cabbage: Purple cabbage is a great addition to this salad because it adds a vibrant purple color and a slightly different texture than regular cabbage.

By using these garnishing tips, you can take your old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad to the next level. Remember to keep it simple and don’t overdo it with too many toppings.

Serving Suggestions

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Pairing with Main Courses

Ramen Noodle Salad is a versatile dish that can be paired with a variety of main courses. It is a great side dish for grilled chicken, shrimp, or pork. The salty and crunchy noodles in the salad pair well with the tender and juicy meat. For a vegetarian option, pair the salad with roasted vegetables or tofu. Ramen Noodle Salad also complements Asian-inspired main courses, such as stir-fry or sushi.

Appropriate Serving Sizes

When serving Ramen Noodle Salad, it is important to consider the appropriate serving size. As a side dish, a half-cup serving size is recommended. However, if you are serving the salad as a main course, a larger serving size of one to two cups may be appropriate. Keep in mind that the salad is high in sodium due to the seasoning packets, so it is important to monitor your sodium intake.

To ensure that everyone gets an equal portion, consider serving the salad in individual bowls or cups. Alternatively, you can serve the salad family-style in a large bowl and allow everyone to serve themselves.

Overall, Ramen Noodle Salad is a delicious and easy-to-make dish that can be paired with a variety of main courses. By following the appropriate serving size, you can enjoy this salad as a healthy side dish or a satisfying main course.

Storing Leftovers

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Ramen noodle salad is a delicious and refreshing dish that can be enjoyed as a side or main dish. If you have leftovers, you can easily store them for later use. Here are some guidelines for storing ramen noodle salad.

Refrigeration Guidelines

To keep your ramen noodle salad fresh, it is important to store it properly in the refrigerator. You should always refrigerate your salad within two hours of making it. If you leave it at room temperature for too long, bacteria can grow and cause food poisoning.

To store your ramen noodle salad, transfer it to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. The salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. After that, it is best to discard it.

Revitalizing Day-Old Salad

If you have leftover ramen noodle salad that is a day old, it may not be as fresh as when you first made it. However, you can still enjoy it by revitalizing it. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Before serving, give the salad a good toss to mix the ingredients together.
  • If the salad seems dry, add a little bit of dressing and toss again.
  • If the vegetables in the salad have wilted, you can refresh them by soaking them in ice water for a few minutes before adding them to the salad.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy your leftover ramen noodle salad without any worries. Just remember to store it properly and refresh it before serving.

Health and Nutrition

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Caloric Content

Ramen noodle salad is a delicious and filling dish that can be enjoyed as a meal or a side dish. The caloric content of ramen noodle salad can vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used. A typical serving of ramen noodle salad contains around 300-400 calories. However, if you are watching your caloric intake, you can adjust the recipe to reduce the calories. For example, you can use low-fat dressing, reduce the amount of noodles, or add more vegetables to the salad.

Dietary Considerations

Ramen noodle salad is a versatile dish that can be adapted to suit various dietary needs. For example, if you are following a low-carb or keto diet, you can substitute the ramen noodles with zucchini noodles or shirataki noodles. If you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you can omit the meat and add more vegetables or tofu to the salad. Additionally, you can adjust the dressing to suit your dietary needs. For example, you can use a low-fat or low-sugar dressing if you are watching your fat or sugar intake.

Ramen noodle salad can be a healthy and nutritious dish if you use the right ingredients and adjust the recipe to suit your dietary needs. Ramen noodles are a good source of carbohydrates, while vegetables and meat provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and protein. However, it is important to be mindful of the amount of dressing and seasoning used in the recipe, as they can add extra calories and sodium to the dish.

Variations and Adaptations

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Ramen noodle salad is a versatile dish that can be adapted to suit different dietary requirements and tastes. Here are some variations and adaptations you can try:

Vegetarian and Vegan Options

To make this salad vegetarian or vegan, simply omit the chicken and replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth. You can also add some protein by using tofu or tempeh instead of chicken. To add more flavor, try marinating the tofu or tempeh in soy sauce, ginger, and garlic before cooking.

Gluten-Free Alternatives

If you are gluten intolerant, you can still enjoy ramen noodle salad by using gluten-free ramen noodles or substituting them with rice noodles or quinoa. You can also replace the soy sauce with tamari, which is a gluten-free alternative.

Here are some other gluten-free options you can try:

  • Use roasted chickpeas or edamame instead of ramen noodles for a protein boost.
  • Add more veggies like bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots for a colorful and nutritious salad.
  • Use a mix of herbs like cilantro, mint, and basil to add freshness and flavor to the salad.

Remember to check the labels of all the ingredients you use to ensure they are gluten-free.

Try these variations and adaptations to make old-fashioned ramen noodle salad your own.

External Resources

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Looking to learn more about ramen noodle salad? There are plenty of external resources available to help you expand your knowledge and skills. Here are a few recommendations to get you started:

Online Culinary Communities

Joining an online culinary community can be a great way to connect with other food enthusiasts, share tips and tricks, and discover new recipes. Here are a few communities that may be of interest:

  • r/Cooking: This subreddit is dedicated to all things cooking, including recipes, techniques, and equipment. You can find plenty of discussions about ramen noodle salad, as well as other dishes and cuisines.
  • Food52: Food52 is an online community for home cooks, with a focus on seasonal ingredients and creative recipes. You can find plenty of recipes for ramen noodle salad on their website, as well as tips and tricks for making the perfect salad.

Cookbooks and Guides

If you prefer to learn from a more structured source, there are plenty of cookbooks and guides available that can help you master the art of ramen noodle salad. Here are a few recommendations:

  • The Flavor Bible: This guidebook is a great resource for anyone looking to experiment with new flavors and ingredients. You can use it to find new combinations of ingredients to add to your ramen noodle salad, or to inspire your own unique creations.
  • The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook: If you’re looking for a vegetarian twist on ramen noodle salad, this cookbook is a great resource. It includes plenty of meat-free recipes, as well as tips for making the perfect salad every time.

No matter which resources you choose to explore, there are plenty of ways to expand your knowledge and skills when it comes to ramen noodle salad. So why not dive in and start experimenting today?

Frequently Asked Questions

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

What is the original ramen noodle salad recipe?

The original recipe for ramen noodle salad is believed to have originated in Hawaii and typically includes a combination of shredded cabbage, carrots, green onions, and ramen noodles. The dressing is usually a mixture of oil, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce.

How do you make a crunchy ramen noodle salad?

To make a crunchy ramen noodle salad, it is important to keep the ramen noodles separate from the other ingredients until just before serving. This will help to maintain their crunchiness. Additionally, you can add ingredients like sliced almonds or sesame seeds to the salad for extra crunch.

What are the key ingredients for a Pioneer Woman-inspired ramen noodle salad?

The key ingredients for a Pioneer Woman-inspired ramen noodle salad include ramen noodles, coleslaw mix, green onions, almonds, and sunflower seeds. The dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce.

Can you share a quick and easy recipe for ramen noodle salad?

Sure! Here’s a quick and easy recipe for ramen noodle salad that you can try:

  • Cook the ramen noodles according to package instructions and drain.
  • In a large bowl, combine the cooked ramen noodles, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, and sliced green onions.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce to make the dressing.
  • Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to combine.
  • Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

What dressings pair well with ramen noodle salad?

Ramen noodle salad pairs well with a variety of dressings, including sesame ginger, peanut, and miso. You can also try using a vinaigrette or a creamy dressing like ranch or Caesar.

What are some creative mix-ins for enhancing ramen noodle salad?

Some creative mix-ins for enhancing ramen noodle salad include mandarin oranges, sliced avocado, edamame, grilled chicken, or shrimp. You can also try adding different types of nuts or seeds, like cashews or pumpkin seeds, for extra crunch.

External Links

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

If you’re interested in exploring more recipes for ramen noodle salad, here are a few external links that you may find helpful:

  • Recipes Passed Down: This website offers an old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad that is perfect for any summer cookout or potluck. The recipe is easy to follow and includes a list of ingredients, as well as step-by-step instructions.
  • Barefeet in the Kitchen: This website offers what they claim to be the BEST ramen noodle salad recipe. The recipe includes a sweet and tangy Asian dressing over fresh cabbage and green onions, with all the crunch you could want from buttery crisp almonds, noodles, and sesame seeds.
  • Spend With Pennies: This website offers a recipe for ramen noodle salad that is a great summer side dish. The recipe includes tips for customizing the salad to your liking, such as changing the type of cabbage or using a packaged slaw mix.
  • Insanely Good Recipes: This website offers a recipe for ramen noodle Asian salad that is easy to make and full of flavor. The recipe includes a homemade dressing that is made with olive oil, ramen seasoning packets, apple cider vinegar, sugar, and black pepper.

These external links provide a variety of options for making ramen noodle salad. Whether you prefer an old-fashioned recipe or a more modern twist, these websites offer something for everyone.

More FAQs

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

How are ramen noodles traditionally made?

Ramen noodles are originally from China, but the Japanese have made it their own by adding their own flavors and cooking methods. The traditional way to make ramen noodles is to mix flour, water, and salt to create a dough. The dough is then kneaded and rolled out into thin sheets. The sheets are then cut into thin strips and boiled in water. Once cooked, the noodles are added to a flavorful broth and served with various toppings.

What to serve with ramen salad?

Ramen salad is a versatile dish that can be served as a side dish or a main course. If you’re serving it as a side dish, it pairs well with grilled meats such as chicken, beef, or pork. It can also be served with seafood such as shrimp or salmon. For a vegetarian option, serve it with grilled tofu or tempeh. You can also add extra vegetables to the salad such as snow peas, edamame, or bell peppers.

What makes ramen noodles unique?

Ramen noodles are unique because they are made with alkaline water or kansui. This gives the noodles their distinctive yellow color and chewy texture. The broth is also an important component of ramen. It’s usually made with pork or chicken bones, soy sauce, miso, and other seasonings. The toppings can also vary depending on the region of Japan. Some popular toppings include sliced pork, soft-boiled eggs, green onions, and nori.

How do you make ramen noodles better?

To make ramen noodles better, consider adding some extra toppings to your bowl. Some popular options include sliced pork, soft-boiled eggs, green onions, and nori. You can also add some vegetables such as bok choy, bean sprouts, or mushrooms. Another way to enhance the flavor is to make your own broth. You can use chicken or pork bones, soy sauce, miso, and other seasonings to create a rich and flavorful broth. Finally, consider adding some spice to your ramen with chili oil or Sriracha sauce.


You can’t go wrong with an old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad. It’s a versatile dish that can be served as a side or a main course with the addition of grilled chicken, shrimp, or pork.

One of the best things about ramen noodle salad is that it’s easy to customize to your liking. You can add in different vegetables, nuts, and seeds to make it your own. For example, you could try adding in some sliced mushrooms, shredded carrots, or chopped bell peppers for some extra flavor and nutrition.

When it comes to the dressing, there are many variations to choose from. Some recipes use a simple vinaigrette made with oil, vinegar, and sugar, while others incorporate soy sauce or sesame oil for a more Asian-inspired flavor.

Overall, an old-fashioned recipe for ramen noodle salad is a delicious and satisfying dish that’s perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy meal or a flavorful side dish to bring to a potluck, this classic recipe is sure to please.

Old-Fashioned Recipe for Ramen Noodle Salad

Old-Fashioned Ramen Noodle Salad

Old-Fashioned Ramen Noodle Salad recipe
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine Asian
Servings 4 servings
Calories 250 kcal


  • 2 packages ramen noodles, crushed
  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1/2 cup sliced green onions
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 cup slivered almonds
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds


  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 clove garlic, minced


  • In a large bowl, combine crushed ramen noodles, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, green onions, cilantro, almonds, and sesame seeds.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, grated ginger, and minced garlic to make the dressing.
  • Pour the dressing over the salad and toss until well combined.
  • Allow the salad to sit for at least 30 minutes before serving to let the flavors meld.
  • Serve chilled and enjoy!


For added crunch, consider adding the ramen noodles just before serving to maintain their texture. Adjust the honey and soy sauce quantities to suit your taste preferences.

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