Hoppin John Recipe

A Traditional Southern Dish with a Delicious Twist

If you’re a fan of Southern cuisine, you may have heard of Hoppin John. This classic dish is a staple of New Year’s Day celebrations in the American South, and is said to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year. But what is Hoppin John, exactly?

Hoppin John

At its most basic, Hoppin John is a dish made with black-eyed peas, rice, and pork, typically served with collard greens and cornbread. However, there are many variations of the recipe, with different types of meat, vegetables, and seasonings added to suit individual tastes. Some recipes call for bacon or ham hocks, while others use sausage or chicken. The dish is often seasoned with onion, garlic, and spices like thyme and bay leaves.

Despite its humble origins as a simple peasant dish, Hoppin John has become a beloved part of Southern cuisine, and is enjoyed by people of all backgrounds. Whether you’re looking to celebrate New Year’s Day in traditional Southern style, or simply want to try a delicious and hearty meal, Hoppin John is a dish that’s sure to satisfy. So why not give it a try and see what all the fuss is about?

Origins and History of Hoppin John

Hoppin John

Hoppin John is a traditional Southern dish that has a fascinating history. It is a dish that is typically made with black-eyed peas, rice, and pork, and is often served on New Year’s Day. The origins of Hoppin John can be traced back to the Gullah people of the Lowcountry region of South Carolina.

Cultural Significance

Hoppin John is a dish that has a lot of cultural significance. It is said to bring good luck and prosperity in the new year. The black-eyed peas are thought to represent coins, while the rice represents wealth and abundance. The pork, which is often used to flavor the dish, is said to represent forward progress, as pigs root forward when they walk.

Geographical Spread

Over time, Hoppin John has spread throughout the Southern United States and has become a popular dish for many people. It is often served with collard greens, cornbread, and other Southern staples. The dish has also been adapted to include different ingredients, such as ham hocks or bacon, and has been served in different ways, such as in soup or stew form.

Despite its popularity, the origins of Hoppin John remain a topic of debate. Some believe that the dish originated in West Africa and was brought over to the United States by slaves, while others believe that it was created by plantation owners in the South. Regardless of its origins, Hoppin John remains a beloved dish that is enjoyed by many people throughout the South and beyond.

Hoppin John Ingredients

Hoppin John

If you’re looking to make a classic southern dish, Hoppin John is a great choice. This flavorful dish is made with black-eyed peas, rice, and a variety of seasonings. Here are the key components and variations you need to know to make the perfect Hoppin John.

Key Components

Black-Eyed Peas

Black-eyed peas are the star ingredient in Hoppin John. These legumes are a great source of protein and fiber, and they have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. You can use canned or dried black-eyed peas in your recipe, but be sure to rinse and drain them well before cooking.


Rice is another essential ingredient in Hoppin John. Long-grain white rice is the traditional choice, but you can also use brown rice or other varieties if you prefer. Be sure to cook your rice according to the package instructions before adding it to your Hoppin John.


Hoppin John gets its distinctive flavor from a blend of seasonings. Common ingredients include onion, garlic, celery, bell pepper, cayenne pepper, thyme, and bay leaves. You can adjust the seasonings to your taste, but be sure to use a mix of herbs and spices to give your dish a complex flavor profile.

Variations and Substitutes


Many Hoppin John recipes include bacon, ham hocks, or other types of meat for added flavor. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you can skip the meat altogether or use a meat substitute like tempeh or seitan.


Some Hoppin John recipes also include greens like collard greens or kale. These add a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals to the dish, as well as a slightly bitter flavor. If you’re not a fan of greens, you can skip them or substitute them with another vegetable.

Hot Sauce

If you like your food spicy, you can add hot sauce or chili flakes to your Hoppin John. This will give the dish a fiery kick and balance out the sweetness of the black-eyed peas. Just be sure to use hot sauce sparingly, as it can overpower the other flavors in the dish.

Other Beans

While black-eyed peas are the traditional choice for Hoppin John, you can also use other types of beans like kidney beans or pinto beans. These will give your dish a slightly different flavor and texture, but they will still be delicious.

Cooking Techniques for Hoppin John

Hoppin John

Hoppin John is a traditional Southern dish that is easy to make and delicious to eat. The dish is a combination of black-eyed peas, rice, and seasonings, and is typically served on New Year’s Day for good luck. There are many different ways to prepare Hoppin John, and in this section, we will explore some of the most popular cooking techniques.

Traditional Methods

The traditional method of cooking Hoppin John involves soaking dried black-eyed peas overnight and then cooking them with a ham hock or bacon, onion, and celery. The peas are then combined with rice and simmered until tender. Some recipes call for the rice to be cooked separately and then added to the peas, while others cook the rice and peas together.

Another traditional technique is to use Carolina Gold rice, which is a nuttier, earthier strain of long-grain rice that has been a staple of the Lowcountry for centuries. This rice adds a unique flavor to the dish and is worth seeking out if you want to make an authentic Hoppin John.

Modern Twists

While the traditional method of cooking Hoppin John is delicious, there are also many modern twists that you can try. For example, you can use canned or frozen black-eyed peas instead of dried, which can save time and effort. You can also add different types of meat, such as smoked sausage or turkey, to give the dish a different flavor.

Another modern twist is to add vegetables to the dish, such as peppers, onions, and tomatoes. This can give the dish a fresher, lighter taste and make it more nutritious. You can also experiment with different spices and seasonings to create your own unique version of Hoppin John.

No matter which cooking technique you choose, the key to making a delicious Hoppin John is to use high-quality ingredients and to cook the dish slowly to allow the flavors to develop. With a little bit of practice, you can master this classic Southern dish and enjoy it all year round.

Nutritional Information of Hoppin John

Hoppin John

If you are looking for a healthy and delicious meal, then Hoppin John is an excellent choice. This dish is a traditional Southern cuisine that is made with black-eyed peas, rice, and various seasonings. It is a great source of protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients that your body needs.

Here is some nutritional information about Hoppin John:

  • Calories: A serving of Hoppin John typically contains around 248-419 calories, depending on the recipe and serving size. This dish is not high in calories, making it a great option for those who are trying to watch their weight.
  • Protein: Hoppin John is a good source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in your body. A serving of this dish typically contains around 11g of protein.
  • Fiber: Hoppin John is also rich in fiber, which is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. A serving of this dish can provide you with up to 10.4g of fiber.
  • Fat: Hoppin John is a low-fat dish, with most of the fat coming from healthy sources such as olive oil.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Hoppin John is also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Black-eyed peas, which are the main ingredient in this dish, are rich in iron, potassium, and folate. Rice is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6.

Overall, Hoppin John is a healthy and nutritious dish that you can enjoy as a main meal or as a side dish. It is easy to prepare and can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Whether you are looking for a vegetarian or a meat-based version, you can find a recipe that suits your needs.

Serving and Presentation of Hoppin John

Hoppin John

When it comes to serving and presenting Hoppin John, there are a few things to keep in mind. In this section, we’ll cover the different accompaniments that go well with Hoppin John and plating techniques that can make your dish look even more appetizing.


Hoppin John is a versatile dish that can be served in many different ways. Here are a few accompaniments that go well with Hoppin John:

  • Cornbread: Cornbread is a classic Southern accompaniment that pairs well with Hoppin John. The sweetness of the cornbread complements the savory flavors of the Hoppin John.
  • Collard Greens: Collard greens are another classic Southern side dish that pairs well with Hoppin John. The bitterness of the collard greens balances out the richness of the Hoppin John.
  • Hot Sauce: If you like a little heat, hot sauce is a great accompaniment for Hoppin John. You can drizzle hot sauce over the top of the dish or serve it on the side for people to add as much or as little as they like.

Plating Techniques

While Hoppin John is a simple dish, there are a few plating techniques that can make it look even more appetizing. Here are a few ideas:

  • Garnish with Fresh Herbs: Adding a sprig of fresh herbs, such as parsley or cilantro, to the top of your Hoppin John can add a pop of color and freshness.
  • Use a Ring Mold: If you want to make your Hoppin John look a little more elegant, you can use a ring mold to shape it into a perfect circle. Simply place the ring mold on the plate and spoon the Hoppin John into it. Then, carefully remove the ring mold to reveal a perfectly shaped mound of Hoppin John.
  • Serve in a Cast Iron Skillet: For a rustic presentation, you can serve your Hoppin John in a cast iron skillet. Simply spoon the Hoppin John into the skillet and serve it family-style.

By following these tips, you can serve and present your Hoppin John in a way that is both delicious and visually appealing.

Pairing Hoppin John with Beverages

Hoppin John

Hoppin John is a classic Southern dish that is usually served on New Year’s Day to bring good luck and prosperity. This hearty dish is made with black-eyed peas, rice, and bacon, and it has a rich, savory flavor that pairs well with a variety of beverages. Whether you prefer wine, beer, or non-alcoholic drinks, there are plenty of options that will complement the flavors of Hoppin John.


If you’re a wine lover, you’ll be happy to know that Hoppin John pairs well with a variety of red wines. A full-bodied wine with a hint of sweetness like Zinfandel or Syrah can be a great choice to balance out the flavors of the dish. Alternatively, you can choose a lighter red wine like Pinot Noir or Beaujolais for a smoother taste.


For beer lovers, a Belgian-style beer like Saison or Dubbel can be a great choice to pair with Hoppin John. These beers have a fruity and spicy flavor that complements the savory taste of the dish. Alternatively, you can choose a porter or stout beer for a richer taste.

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

If you prefer non-alcoholic drinks, you can pair Hoppin John with a variety of beverages like sweet tea, lemonade, or sparkling water. These drinks can help to cleanse your palate between bites and enhance the flavors of the dish.

Overall, there are plenty of options for pairing Hoppin John with beverages. Whether you prefer wine, beer, or non-alcoholic drinks, there are plenty of choices that will complement the flavors of this classic Southern dish.

Storing and Reheating Hoppin John

Hoppin John

After cooking a delicious pot of Hoppin John, you might be wondering how to store and reheat the leftovers. Here are some tips to help you keep your Hoppin John fresh and tasty.

Storing Hoppin John

To store Hoppin John, transfer it to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. Hoppin John can be stored in the fridge for up to four days. If you plan to store it for longer, consider freezing it instead.

Freezing Hoppin John

To freeze Hoppin John, let it cool to room temperature before transferring it to a freezer-safe container. Be sure to leave some room at the top of the container for the Hoppin John to expand as it freezes. Hoppin John can be stored in the freezer for up to three months.

Reheating Hoppin John

To reheat Hoppin John, you can use either the stovetop or the microwave. If using the stovetop, place the Hoppin John in a saucepan and heat over medium-low heat until warmed through. If using the microwave, transfer the Hoppin John to a microwave-safe bowl and heat on high in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until warmed through.

Tips for Reheating Hoppin John

  • If your Hoppin John is dry after reheating, try adding a splash of broth or water to moisten it up.
  • To prevent the rice from becoming mushy, avoid overcooking it when reheating.
  • For best results, reheat only the portion of Hoppin John that you plan to eat. Repeatedly reheating and cooling the same batch can lead to bacterial growth and spoilage.

Hoppin John in Popular Culture

Hoppin John

Hoppin John is a dish that has been a part of Southern cuisine for centuries. It is not only a staple food in the South but has also made its way into popular culture. Here are some examples of Hoppin John’s presence in popular culture.

Movies and TV Shows

Hoppin John has been featured in several movies and TV shows. In the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil,” Hoppin John is served at a New Year’s Eve party. In the TV show “The Vampire Diaries,” Hoppin John is mentioned as a traditional Southern dish. It has also been featured in other TV shows such as “Hart of Dixie” and “The Walking Dead.”


Hoppin John has also been referenced in several songs. In the song “Hoppin John” by Blind Boy Fuller, he sings about the dish and how it is a traditional Southern food. In the song “Southern Girl” by Tim McGraw, he mentions Hoppin John as one of the dishes his Southern girl can cook.


Hoppin John has been mentioned in several books and literature. In the book “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett, Hoppin John is mentioned as a dish that is served at a New Year’s Day meal. In “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell, Hoppin John is mentioned as a dish that is served at Scarlett O’Hara’s home.

Other References

Hoppin John has also made its way into other forms of popular culture. In the video game “Red Dead Redemption 2,” Hoppin John is one of the dishes that can be cooked by the player. It has also been featured in several food blogs and recipe websites, with people sharing their own variations of the dish.

Overall, Hoppin John has made a significant impact on Southern cuisine and has also made its way into popular culture. Its presence in movies, TV shows, music, literature, and even video games is a testament to its popularity and significance in Southern culture.

Hoppin John at Events and Celebrations

Hoppin John

Hoppin John is a dish that is often celebrated and enjoyed during various events and festivities across the Southern United States. This traditional dish is a staple in many New Year’s Day feasts, where it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

One such event is the Hoppin John Fiddlers’ Convention, held annually in North Carolina. This convention features a variety of musical performances, dancing, and of course, a Hoppin John cooking competition. The convention attracts thousands of visitors every year, making it a must-visit event for anyone interested in Southern culture and traditions.

In addition to the Hoppin John Fiddlers’ Convention, there are also various festivals and events that celebrate this beloved dish. These gatherings offer a chance for people to come together, share their love for Hoppin John, and experience the rich cultural tapestry that surrounds it.

Some of the most popular Hoppin John festivals include the Hoppin John Festival in Shakori Hills, North Carolina, and the Hoppin John Festival in Prosperity, South Carolina. These festivals often feature live music, craft vendors, and of course, plenty of Hoppin John to go around.

Whether you’re attending a Hoppin John festival or simply enjoying the dish at home with friends and family, there’s no denying the rich history and cultural significance of this delicious Southern staple. So why not add Hoppin John to your next celebration or event and experience the magic for yourself?

Hoppin John Recipes for Beginners

Hoppin John

If you’re new to Hoppin John, you might be wondering how to make this Southern classic dish. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy recipes out there that are perfect for beginners. Here are a few tips and recipes to get you started:


The key ingredients in this recipe are black-eyed peas, rice, and pork. You can use bacon, ham hock, or sausage for the pork. Other ingredients that are commonly used in this recipe include onions, bell peppers, celery, and garlic.

Cooking Tips

Before you start cooking, make sure to rinse your black-eyed peas and remove any debris. If you’re using bacon, cook it in a large pot until it’s crispy, then remove it and set it aside. Use the bacon fat to cook your onions, bell peppers, and celery until they’re soft. Add your garlic and cook for another minute or so.

Next, add your black-eyed peas, pork, and rice to the pot. Add enough water to cover everything by about an inch. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot. Cook until the rice is tender and the liquid has been absorbed, about 20-30 minutes.


Here are a few easy recipes to try:

With these recipes and tips, you’ll be able to make a delicious dish that’s perfect for any occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hoppin John

What are the traditional ingredients in Hoppin’ John?

It is a classic Southern dish that usually consists of black-eyed peas, rice, and some type of pork, such as bacon, ham hocks, or sausage. It also includes onions, celery, and bell pepper, which are known as the “holy trinity” of Southern cooking. Some variations of the recipe may include additional spices and herbs, such as thyme, bay leaves, and cayenne pepper.

Can Hoppin’ John be made vegetarian?

Yes,it can be made vegetarian by omitting the pork and using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. You can also add some smoked paprika or liquid smoke to give the dish a smoky flavor.

What is the history behind Hoppin’ John?

this recipe is believed to have originated in West Africa and was brought to the United States by enslaved Africans. The dish became popular in the Southern states, especially in South Carolina, where it was traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day for good luck and prosperity.

What is an easy recipe for preparing Hoppin’ John?

Here is an easy recipe for preparing this recipe:

  • In a large pot, cook 1 chopped onion, 2 chopped celery stalks, and 1 chopped green bell pepper in 2 tablespoons of oil until the vegetables are soft.
  • Add 2 minced garlic cloves and cook for another minute.
  • Add 1 can of drained and rinsed black-eyed peas, 1 cup of uncooked long-grain rice, 2 cups of chicken broth, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of dried thyme, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and salt and black pepper to taste.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the rice is tender and the liquid is absorbed.
  • Remove the bay leaf and fluff the rice with a fork before serving.

Why is Hoppin’ John commonly eaten on New Year’s Day?

It is commonly eaten on New Year’s Day because it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year. The black-eyed peas represent coins, while the pork symbolizes wealth and progress. Eating this recipe with collard greens, which represent money, is also a popular tradition.

What dishes pair well with Hoppin’ John?

It well with a variety of Southern dishes, such as collard greens, cornbread, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese. It also goes well with a simple green salad or roasted vegetables for a healthier option.

External Links

Hoppin John

If you’re interested in learning more about this recipe, there are plenty of external resources available online. Here are a few links to get you started:

  • Southern Living – This recipe from Southern Living is a classic take on it. It calls for black-eyed peas, rice, and bacon, among other ingredients, and takes about an hour and a half to prepare. The recipe has been tested by the Southern Living Test Kitchen and has received high ratings from readers.
  • Wikipedia – If you’re looking for a more in-depth look at the history and cultural significance of this recipe, Wikipedia is a great place to start. The page provides a detailed overview of the dish, including its origins and variations.
  • A Spicy Perspective – This recipe from A Spicy Perspective puts a spicy twist on it. It includes ingredients like jalapeño peppers and cayenne pepper to give the dish an extra kick. The recipe is also gluten-free and can be made vegan by omitting the bacon.
  • WellPlated.com – This recipe from WellPlated.com is a healthier take. It includes plenty of veggies, like bell peppers and celery, and uses chicken sausage instead of bacon. The recipe is also gluten-free and can be made vegan by using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.
  • Bon Appétit – This recipe from Bon Appétit is a modern take. It includes ingredients like smoked paprika and fresh thyme to give the dish a unique flavor. The recipe also includes instructions for making a quick and easy tomato salad to serve alongside this recipe.

More FAQs

Hoppin John

What is a fun fact about Hoppin John?

It is a dish with a rich history and cultural significance. One fun fact about this recipe is that it is considered a lucky food, particularly in the southern United States. Eating this recipe on New Year’s Day is believed to bring good luck and prosperity throughout the year.

What does Hoppin John symbolize?

It is a dish that symbolizes good fortune, wealth, and prosperity. The black-eyed peas in Hoppin John represent coins and the collard greens represent paper money. Eating Hoppin John on New Year’s Day is believed to bring financial success and good luck in the coming year.

What is Hoppin John made of?

this recipe is a traditional Southern dish made with black-eyed peas, rice, and pork. The dish is typically seasoned with onions, garlic, and other spices. Some variations of this recipe also include collard greens, bacon, ham hocks, or sausage.

What do you eat with Hoppin John?

this recipe is a hearty and flavorful dish that pairs well with a variety of sides. Some popular options include cornbread, biscuits, fried chicken, or ham. You can also serve it with a side of collard greens or other vegetables for a complete meal.


Hoppin John

In conclusion, this recipe is a delicious and nutritious dish that has a rich history and cultural significance. It is traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day in the Southern United States to bring good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year.

It is a simple dish that consists of black-eyed peas, rice, and pork. However, there are many variations of the dish that include different ingredients and seasonings. Some people add vegetables like onions, celery, and bell peppers, while others use ham hocks or smoked turkey instead of pork.

One of the most interesting things about this recipe is its origin. There are several theories about where the name comes from, but most historians agree that it has African roots and was brought to the United States by slaves. Today, this recipe is enjoyed by people of all backgrounds and has become a staple dish in Southern cuisine.

If you want to try making this recipe at home, there are many recipes available online that you can use as a guide. Just remember to use high-quality ingredients and take your time to cook the dish properly. Whether you’re celebrating New Year’s Day or just looking for a hearty and flavorful meal, it is a dish that you won’t regret trying.

Hoppin John

Hoppin John

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 50 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asian
Servings 6 servings
Calories 350 kcal


  • 1 cup dried black-eyed peas
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 ham hock or smoked turkey leg
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 cup diced bell pepper (green or red)
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce (optional)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2 cups long-grain white rice
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth


  • Rinse the black-eyed peas and soak them in water overnight. Alternatively, you can use the quick soak method by bringing the peas to a boil, then letting them sit for 1 hour.
  • In a large pot, combine soaked black-eyed peas, water, and ham hock or smoked turkey leg. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer. Cook until peas are tender, about 45-60 minutes.
  • In a separate pan, sauté onions, bell pepper, celery, and garlic until softened.
  • Add the sautéed vegetables to the pot with the black-eyed peas. Stir in thyme, oregano, smoked paprika, bay leaf, hot sauce (if using), salt, and black pepper.
  • In another pot, cook the rice according to package instructions, using chicken or vegetable broth instead of water for added flavor.
  • Once the black-eyed peas are tender and the rice is cooked, combine them in a large serving bowl.
  • Remove the ham hock or turkey leg, shred the meat, and add it back to the Hoppin' John.
  • Adjust seasoning if necessary and serve hot.


Hoppin' John is a traditional Southern dish often served on New Year's Day for good luck. The black-eyed peas are said to represent coins, and serving it with rice symbolizes prosperity. Adjust the spice level and ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Enjoy this hearty and flavorful dish with a side of greens and cornbread for a complete Southern meal.

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